Help Us Raise Money For A Good Cause... AND So We Can Throw Pies At Our Boss!
Lakeview Assisted Living is hosting an online fundraiser to benefit Miles for Memories, a local, non-profit organization. For every $50 raised, a resident will get to throw a pie at our wonderful owner, Scott Ganton, or a manager of their choice!

Follow this link to make a donation, absolutely everything is appreciated! Stay tuned for August 7 at 2 pm when the pie-throwing will commence!

Scott Ganton - Owner of Lakeview Assisted Living

Miles For Memories is a local organization created in 2013 to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's Disease. Later in 2014, we expanded our vision to include all types of dementia. We raise money each year through sponsorships, community events, and grants to gather funds to create local programming for both the person living with dementia and the caregiver. Along with our local efforts, we also send 20% of the funds to prevention-related dementia research. We are a committee of 70-plus volunteers and are always looking for more to get involved.